Just what kind of horrible blogger am I, anyway?!  I'm sorry. :(  If you can  forgive me, I'll just catch you up!
My work partner and I spent a lot  of time bouncing around ideas about the business, and finding stable full time
jobs, and the like.  We spent most of March taking care of our neighbour, who  had just lost his wife.  In addition to cleaning his house, we were pretty much  at his beck and call constantly.  By the end of March, it was time to trek back  to Mexico.  While I was there, my partner was in Hawai'i.  Nice trips! :D 

Anyway, we went through April and May pretty much figuring that we would, at some point, close our housecleaning business.  Yes, the money was good, but the job is SO very hard.  I have so much respect for people who do that all day every day! 

So, we told our clients we were stopping, found a good person to take them over and my partner and I each got jobs.  She has a wonderful job as personal assistant with a really great family.  I got an office manager position for a local fitness club.  90 days later, I realized I was in the seventh circle of hell, and quit! LOL

Next week, I will start my new position as manager-in-training for the historic Topeka Cemetery.  It's as beautiful as it is old and I can't wait to get in there and get stuff going!  I'm so very excited about it!  My former business partner may be interested in a part time job there, too, so that would be fun to work with her again!


    I am half of a couple considering becoming an ex-pat South of the Border. Not sure yet how far South!

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