After much consideration, thought, research and relying on friends and family, we've decided that Corozal is where we'll most likely settle down.  It's a beautiful little city on the Caribbean Ocean and seems like what we're seeking in a relocation/retirement haven. So, now what we need to do is start getting our house ready for sale.  Since there's no timeline, there's no real hurry - but, we might as well start somewhere, right? 

I think, next week, I'll start on the basement.  And if any of you have seen our basement, you'll know that it's pure 1980s industrial.  Office style false ceilings, long tube lighting, horrid vents - and the bathroom. . . well, I'm not even going to go there.  Let's just say it's 1980s blue.  UGH.  So, I bought some floor tile and will be getting a vanity/sink this weekend and start the ripping up!  I'll try and post before and after pics. :)

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    I am half of a couple considering becoming an ex-pat South of the Border. Not sure yet how far South!

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